Papers Published

Carter SW, Sullivan AP (in press) Direct procurement of ceramics and ceramic materials, “index wares”, and models of regional exchange and interaction: Implications of petrographic and geological data from the Upper Basin and Coconino Plateau. In: AP Sullivan and JM Bayman, eds, Hinterlands and Regional Dynamics in the Ancient Southwest, Univ Arizona Press.

Mahood GA (1988) Obsidian source heterogeneity and uniqueness: an example in western Mexico. In: CW Meighan and JL Scalise, eds, Obsidian Dates IV. Inst Archaeology, Univ California Los Angeles, Monograph XXIX:105-112.

Meighan CW, Mahood GA (1988) Obsidian sources at Snaketown, Arizona. In: CW Meighan and .L Scalise, eds, Obsidian Dates IV. Inst Archaeology, Univ California, Los Angeles, Monograph XXIX:98-99.

Ferriz H (1985) Caltonac, a prehispanic obsidian mining center in eastern Mexico? A preliminary report. J Field Archaeology 12:363-370.

Turner BL, III, Johnson WC, Mahood GA, Wiseman FM, Poole J (1983) Habitat y agricultura en la region de Copan. In: Introduccion a la Arqueologia de Copan, Inst Hondureno de Anthropologia e Historia. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, pp 35-142.


Carter T, Contreras D, Li G, Mahood G, Nado K, Wolf J (submitted) Characterization of obsidian from Chavin de Huantar, Peru. Symposium on Southern America Archaeology, XV Congress Intl Union for Prehistoric and Protohistory Sciences, Lisbon, September 2006.

Carter T, King R, Li G, Mahood G (submitted) The consumption of obsidian in Early Chalcolithic Anatolia: a characterization study from Çatalhöyük-West. 36th Intl Archaeometry Symposium, Quebec, May 2006.

Carter SW, Kelly MA, Jones RE (2004) Constraining compositional and morphological attributes of black paints on Anasazi ceramics. 34th Intl Symp Archaeometry, Zaragosa, Programs and Abstracts: 84

Carter SW, Wiegand B, Mahood GA, Dudas FO, Wooden JL, Sullivan AP, Bowring SA (2004) Strontium isotopic analysis as a tool for ceramic provenance research. 34th Intl Symp Archaeometry, Zaragosa, Programs and Abstracts: 223

Carter SW, Mahood GA (2004) Identifying geological sources for Anasazi and Cohonina ceramic raw materials in the eastern Grand Canyon region through petrographic analysis. Geol Soc Amer Abstracts with Programs 36:213.

Unpublished Reports

Mahood G (2003) Geology of Monte Polizzo, Sicily. In: Morris et al, eds, Report of the Monte Polizzo 2003 Expedition.